
Number of Individuals : 34565 : 16898 women / 17653 men

Number of Names : 4391

Number of Marriages : 3206

Family Count : 11377

Average number of children per couple : 1.96

Number of places : 7206

The earliest person of the database is Goodloe George whose birthdate is 23 JAN 1699/00.

The family is mainly based in Tennessee, in the country United States of America.

28546 sources can be consulted on this site.

 Numberknown datesknown places
Births22 46121 883 97%9 980 44%
Marriages3 2063 085 96%2 038 63%
Deaths12 49012 075 96%7 108 56%
Events38 20837 056 96%19 157 50%

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