Parker Donelison
Yardley Elizabeth
  Jamison Thomas Allen
1811 - 1873
Fulks Caroline
1815 - 1900
    Parker Alfred Benjamin
1852 - 1920
Bryan Emily Dise
Jamison Calvin Allen
1854 - 1924
Sanford Margaret L.
1858 - 1914
  Parker Wiley Dickens
1882 - 1964
Jamison Effie Mai
1880 - 1951
Butcher Harrison T.
1896 - 1968
Parker Lottie White
1905 - 1981
Butcher Dorris White




        Parker Donelison
Yardley Elizabeth
  Jamison Thomas Allen
1811 - 1873
Fulks Caroline
1815 - 1900
    Parker Alfred Benjamin
1852 - 1920
Bryan Emily Dise
Jamison Calvin Allen
1854 - 1924
Sanford Margaret L.
1858 - 1914
  Parker Wiley Dickens
1882 - 1964
Jamison Effie Mai
1880 - 1951
Butcher Harrison T.
1896 - 1968
Parker Lottie White
1905 - 1981
Butcher Dorris White




        Parker Donelison
Yardley Elizabeth
  Jamison Thomas Allen
1811 - 1873
Fulks Caroline
1815 - 1900
    Parker Alfred Benjamin
1852 - 1920
Bryan Emily Dise
Jamison Calvin Allen
1854 - 1924
Sanford Margaret L.
1858 - 1914
  Parker Wiley Dickens
1882 - 1964
Jamison Effie Mai
1880 - 1951
Butcher Harrison T.
1896 - 1968
Parker Lottie White
1905 - 1981
Butcher James David




        Parker Donelison
Yardley Elizabeth
  Jamison Thomas Allen
1811 - 1873
Fulks Caroline
1815 - 1900
    Parker Alfred Benjamin
1852 - 1920
Bryan Emily Dise
Jamison Calvin Allen
1854 - 1924
Sanford Margaret L.
1858 - 1914
  Parker Wiley Dickens
1882 - 1964
Jamison Effie Mai
1880 - 1951
Butcher Harrison T.
1896 - 1968
Parker Lottie White
1905 - 1981
Butcher Samuel Harrison
1932 - 1996



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