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Southernfern Genealogy

 Family database information

The earliest person of the database is Goodloe George whose birthdate is 23 JAN 1699/00.

The family is mainly based in Tennessee, in the country United States of America.
There are 34565 individuals and 11377 families representing 4391 surnames and 7206 places in this base.
The 11377 unions and 3206 marriages had 1.96 children per couple on average.

 Numberknown datesknown places
Births22 46121 883 97%9 980 44%
Marriages3 2063 085 96%2 038 63%
Deaths12 49012 075 96%7 108 56%
Events38 20837 056 96%19 157 50%
28546 sources can be consulted on this site.

Author :Name : Joe A Jamison
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